Monday, February 23, 2009

Study, study, study
I'm currently fortunate enough to have a few weeks off regular duties, as a kind of mini-sabbatical.
My main job is to get my dissertation done! (just a small thing).

Anyway I just came across this quote from Bruce Milne's Dynamic Diversity that I though was worth posting:
"Christian worship needs to be sociologically inexplicable not sociologically conformist. It should reflect the new order of the kingdom of God, where relationships become possible that surrounding society can never achieve" (p110)

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Baptists together
This week we were away at High Leigh again with a small group of "district minsters" from the LBA. The Association is divided into 10 districts of 20-30 churches in each. Our conversation was around trans-local ministry (apostles anyone?), supporting pastors and other such stuff. Was a good time, and re-enforced the notion that we are to be "inter-dependent" despite our insistence on the autonomy of the local church.

On a separate (but maybe not totally unrelated) note, stumbled across this post from Nigel Coles, asking whether the Baptist Union should be more wikipedia than Oxford Concise. If you're a Baptist it's worth a read.

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Friday, February 06, 2009

Challenging Thought
"I still have the calling to minister to those on the margins even if it doesn't fit neatly into my gift mix or personality preferences" (David Anderson Gracsim, p99)

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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Pastors in the snow
Monday - Wednesday was our annual "Pastors Consultation" at High Leigh. Like many things it was affected by the snow, with only about half the delegates making the first day, but a good number made it by Tuesday. I actually got there quicker than normal thanks to the quiet roads, although it did take me 20 minutes to pull out of the parking space outside my flat.
Anyway it was a good time, and the vending machine still has 5 Alive in a can!

Our theme was "living togther in love", a vital theme for churches in a diverse city such as London. Was great to hear some stories of churches working out how to do this, bringing groups together etc., as well as honest comment about the struggles and pains of church life.

Weather permitting I'm due back at High Leigh again next week...

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