Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Had that feeling of things, thoughts, ideas coming together and beginning to "click" yesterday. Been pondering on the day Blah plus other stuff been reading and happening and trying to piece it together a bit. No great revelations to share - I haven't found "5 keys to a missional church" but its all good!
(which makes this a post which actually says nothing!)

One of the things I was pondering was the relationship between missional/incarnational church and established church - Mike Frost implied the need for distance, yet I work for a demonimantional body and am sure God wants to move on existing churches as well as kick start new stuff. I think this should be a both/and rather than an either/or.

Yet sometimes there seems to be suspicion - particularly from "successful" established churches - a fear of allowing grass-roots missional church to happen, maybe even a fear of anything beyond the boundaries of "control" (often called "spiritual authority" or "accountability").
I have seen and felt this tension from several angles!

For youth ministry - we need people to do "outside-in" incarnational work and start new expressions of church, and yet we need to nurture church young people to reach out to their peers, without getting hang up on bringing the 2 together?
Yet we maintain there is "one holy apostolic church".
But are we willing to set youthworkers (missionaries) free?


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