Friday, September 24, 2004

Youth Minstry Musings
I'm leading a training event next week called A beginners guide to church youthwork. Just trying to work out where to pitch it. As often happens teaching something simple means I get caught wrestling with the big issues (like when I had to speak at church on The love of God: Inclusive -sounds easy but I got stuck thinking about the Calvinist idea of limited antonement!).
My current thinking is about whether to go for a more "minstry" approach or take the Danny Brierley line of Youthwork and minsitry based on 5 youthwork values adopted from "secular" youthwork. It'll probably bear no relevance to what I actually teach though!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pete, thanks for your comment on youthblog. Really like the layout of your blog and am especially encouraged as I've been finding it hard to find other blogs with significant youth work interest.
Knowing where to pitch stuff for volunteers is, as you say, one that requires quite a bit of thought! Nice to know someone else ends up wandering down random avenues of thought! Ian

5:23 pm  

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