Monday, June 27, 2005

Highlights & Reflections
Saturday was an LBA conference on children's work. A good day overall - good input from the speakers and interaction etc. One observation was the lack of men! Why is it that childrens workers, Sunday school teachers etc. especially for younger ages are female? In fact all the speakers for the day were female. This must be the only area of church life (for us as London Baptists anyway) where that would be the case (except for ministry to women!). Where's the balance?

Sunday morning's service highlight was probably the "bubble prayers"! We were led in prayers using bubble blowing machines raining bubbles down from the church's balcony - with a prayer that spoke of blessing raining down. A fantastic visual picture - although one guy seemed to have sat in the wrong seat and got soaked! An idea I will definitely have to steal!

Sunday evening I was speaking at a youth event in South London, where it was encouraging to hear of some churches beginning to work together on worships events and more.

And looks like Blogger have upgraded their interface to make it easier to post pictures. But I'll have to wait to try it out!


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