Friday, November 11, 2005

A weird evening
This evening I should have been running the 4th of 5 "Introduction to youthwork in the local church" training events. I arrived at the destination, having confirmed arrival with the church this afternoon, to find it locked. So I waited - until the start time, when I had no access to the venue and no participants! 15 minutes and a call later the person letting me in and one of the pastors arrives, equally surprised that no-one had come as they had had enquiries, as well as the few I was expecting. All in all I've concluded hanging outside Baptist Churches for half hour is an interesting lesson in patience!
I am partly to blame, however as I had a call today from someone wanting to know if the training was tonight or next week as the date on my website was wrong!

Anyway final session is in the morning - and it's at my parents church so access won't be an issue, and I'm pretty sure for some attendees too!


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