Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Multi-cultural emergence?
Attempts to re-new/re-invent church for the postmodern emerging culture are to be applauded. I think we need these experiments (while acknowledging the role of "historic" churches). But one concern I have had of the emerging church stuff is that is often white, academic (ish), middle class (ish) or at least led by those! This is illustrated by the audience at various events.
Others have commented on this:
"it seems to me that the "emerging church" discussion has essentially grown out of a cleavage between sub-cultural expressions of the church within Anglo-Saxon cultures".
(from Jonathan Finley at
In London (as I have blogged before) the exciting thing is the melting pot. Scratch the surface and God is at work and there are some exciting new churches and forms of church appearing in many (sub)cultures.

Matthew Glock sums my thinking up:
"a fundamental challenge of the worldwide emerging church is learning to talk about the emerging church in a way that respects and honors all its diverse expressions".
(also from


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